
10 Things You Need to Know About Winter in Melbourne

June 30, 2024
If I could sum up winter in Melbourne in three words it would be lattes, laneways and layers. So, here are 10 things you should know about winter in Melbourne.

Famous for its vibrant art and music scene, known for its delicious food and bevvy culture, loved for so much more. Everyone knows Melbourne has an outstanding quality of life. But it also has a unique prominence amongst its fellow capital cities when winter rolls around. Here’s what you need to know…

10 Things to Know About Winter in Melbourne

Have you ever felt like your fingers were going to fall off?

Like, as in actually about to turn into ice right before your eyes and fall onto the ground with a shattering clack, as if they were method acting for Frozen: The Musical? Okay, maybe a bit dramatic. But if you’ve experienced a Melbourne Winter, especially without gloves, this will make sense.

See, I’m from Queensland. So, call me a drama queen. But, in the North, when the humidity finally drops below 92% and there’s a slight cool breeze, the daylight-savings-protestors put on their big jumpers and exclaim how “freezing” it is in 22 degrees, only to have to peel off said jumpers after 11am because they’ve been suctioned to their body in sweat (trust me …I know!).

I always longed for a cold Winter. Then, I spent a Winter in Melbourne. And I got it. From someone who has travelled to Europe in the freezing cold months, I can honestly say, Melbourne is an unsuspecting competitor for the coldest mornings. But winter is not just the temperature. It’s the unique culture, the morale through the misty mornings, and the way the atmosphere changes to accommodate the chill; something nowhere else in Aus can match. The winter season is something that you will either love or hate, and have a nuanced set of experiences that only a Melburnian will understand. Here are 10 of them.

(Psst… if this already has you shivering, then it might be time to opt for Summer in Europe instead).

1. Wild Weather

Let’s face it, this one isn’t reserved just for Winter. But I will say, the unpredictability of the Melbourne skies does bare its teeth most threateningly in the colder months. We don’t mind the chilly mornings where you can see your breath, or being able to wear a cute scarf and beanie set all through the day. But, when the weatherman gets it wrong for the tenth day in a row and you get a surprise bout of torrential rain at 6 degrees in the middle of Fitzroy, it’s definitely not ideal.

2. Load up on Layers

Whether it’s the puffer jackets of the south, or the trench coats of the North, you need to choose your fighter… well, fighters, as you definitely can’t survive with only one layer. Seriously. Bust out your skivvies. Calling: tights under jeans. Every part of the body, COVERED. Nothing is too much. Oh, did someone say scarf season? You do get to cosplay as Rachel Green from Friends every day. That’s a win, right?

Side note: Having backup options is essential around washing day. It’s a constant game of is my washing still wet, or just cold?

3. Trams and Umbrellas

Spoiler alert: Fatal combo. Narrow doorways and crowded spaces have never held hands pleasantly.

A tram ride in peak hour is a game of Tetris on a good day, exaggerated by the rush of getting through the shutting doors in time. So, will you be able to squeeze through the gap at the last minute with your obnoxious, soggy umbrella? Or will it trigger social anxiety until you end up four stations away from where you’re meant to be? (Lucky trams are frequent. Melbourne perks!)

4. Cosy Cafes and Pubs

Now here’s a good one. The city’s renowned café culture comes into its own in winter. Nothing like a creamy oat flatty or a blissful matcha latte to bring your body back to a normal temperature and warm the soul. For the p.m., plentiful pubs offer fireplaces, cosy corners and plenty of live music entertainment, meaning the city still glows with liveliness through the cold. Some bars even knock out winter warmers like mulled wine from June- August. What a treat (bound to mentally ship you straight to a Christmas market in Italy, in true Melbourne fashion!)

5. Early Darkness

The sun sets quite early, usually a few minutes before 5pm. We all know it’s harder to get up in the morning (especially if you happen to be living in an uninsulated terrace house that clearly values the beauty of history over practicality). The days feel shorter, and the nights feel longer, which can come with perks – see point 4. But, if you work a 9-5 or even an 8-4, you may find yourself battling to see an ounce of sunlight which may make you feel like you’re getting ready to choose team Edward or Jacob.

6. Footy Season

The pride and joy of the south is in full swing during winter: AFL. Now this is one you’ll only really understand if you’re a Melburnian. The sport is a major part of the city’s culture, and the cold weather doesn’t deter thousands from attending games throughout the suburbs. If you haven’t been to a footy game in Melbourne, you haven’t lived. Actually, as a warmup, you don’t even need to go to the game. The pre-and-post-game celebrations are telling enough. Streets shut off. Workplaces closed down early. Three or four colours garnishing the whole city. Trust us; it’s State of Origin on steroids… weekly.

7. The Chill Factor

Don’t be fooled by the two-digit temp. While on paper Melbourne winters are not as cold as those in some other parts of the world, it can feel much chillier than the temperature suggests because of the unique conditions.

I saw a TikTok recently from a Canadian girl, who had moved to Australia and had been inundated with Aussies asking, “how do you find Melbourne cold when Canada is literally freezing?!”

Her response? That Melbourne winter was literally colder, due to uninsulated rooms garnished with a sad standalone heater chugging away all day (not to mention unprompted windy weather drizzly days!)

So yeah, it gets pretty chilly. Maybe it’s also the contrast of Summer’s sweaty 40-degree days. Who knows. Call it versatility.

8. Heating Wars

Whether at home or in the office, there’s always a debate over the heating. Some people crank it up, while others prefer to rug up and keep it lower to save on energy bills. And some are lucky to even have it.

The war isn’t limited to human interactions: you’ll be in a constant battle with condensation. Let’s not forget about frosted windows and windscreens as well. You may even have to set your alarm for half an hour earlier than your usual wakeup call to make sure you can see out your rear-view. But let’s face it – driving in Melbourne is a rarity with the abundant PT, right?

9. Melbourne’s Winter Festivals

Despite the cold, winter is the prime festival season in Melbourne. Events like the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) and the Winter Night Market at Queen Victoria Market keep the city vibrant. Just don’t forget your gloves!

10. Scarves as a Staple

If you want to make a comfortable statement, a scarf is your new bestie. No one will even notice if you wear the same black outfit four days in a row with a pop of colour. Cue: 90’s scarf vibes. And the best part is, you can use your scarf for more than just warmth; enter scarf as a hood. As well as scarves, nothing beats a cute matching glove and beanie set, chunky loafers or boots, thick stockings and fleecy under layers (personally, this winter I plan on making scarves and knee-high boots my whole personality). Cold doesn’t have to be unfashionable – just ask Gigi Hadid.

Ah, Melbourne. The most progressive, culturally-in-tune city that stands with open arms extended; a blessing for those seeking a warm (figuratively) welcome and thriving day-to-night culture. The icy conditions don’t dim the light that the city is brimming with; if anything, it adds a touch of magic (if you’re appropriately dressed). The culture it is ever so renowned for shines through the cold, offering a poignant winter experience you won’t forget – and extra appreciation for the sliver of afternoon sun. So make the most of the season. We all know we will be complaining about the heat when summer rolls around.

Image from Pexels.