Did you know – despite living longer than men, women spend 25% more of their lives in poor health? This statistic reflects a critical and often overlooked reality: the women’s health gap.
Unfortunately for us, there has always been a huge gender disparity in medical research, investment, diagnosis and treatment. We’ve been treated as “small men” or simply excluded from clinical research due to an assumption that we are “more variable”… because, ironically, of our hormones and physiological differences. As a result, women are often disproportionately burdened with issues like delayed diagnosis, overprescription of medication, and a failure to properly investigate symptoms or receive appropriate treatment.
With that in mind and International Women’s Day happening this month, let’s take a moment to focus on how we can take matters into our own hands. While systemic changes are necessary, there are things we can do individually to prioritise our wellbeing because…
Good health is what can help unlock our economic power, independence and full potential.
Health Checkups
No matter your age, regular health check-ups are crucial as they can help identify risks or early signs of a health issue (and by catching it early you are in a better position to treat and manage it).
When we think of women-specific health checks, the first to come to mind may be the pap smear/cervical screening or a breast check/ mammogram. They are important but there are also some other underrecognised health checks that women must consider. Did you know cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death for Australian women with one death almost every hour, every day? It’s important that you are getting regular blood tests and a heart health check, especially if you are at greater risk. For example, if you’ve experienced endometriosis or a pregnancy condition (e.g. preeclampsia, gestational diabetes) there is a higher risk of cardiovascular disease later in life.
Another is a bone health check. Osteoporiasis (i.e. a disease of the bones that cause them to become weak and break easily) is significantly more common in females than males. As such, bone density scanning should be on the books especially if you are at higher risk due to age, lifestyle, medications or certain health conditions such as early menopause, endocrine disorders and eating disorders.
Getting the basics down pat!
1. Nutrition
We spoke to Emma Claire Nutrition, Clinical Nutritionist (BHSc) and Cell Squared’s nutrition expert, to understand what nutrition tips women can adopt in their daily lives for optimal health.
Prioritise Protein at Breakfast
Start your day with protein-rich foods like pastured eggs, grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, or natural Greek yogurt with berries to support hormone production and blood sugar balance. Protein’s amino acids are essential building blocks for estrogen and progesterone, while also slowing carbohydrate absorption to prevent blood sugar spikes that can disrupt hormonal balance.
Boost Fibre Intake with Prebiotic Foods
Prebiotic-rich foods like garlic, leeks, and kimchi support both gut health and hormone balance. These fibre sources help regulate estrogen levels by supporting its elimination through the digestive system, promoting healthy ovulation and reproductive balance.
Ensure Adequate Vitamin B
B vitamins play a crucial role in energy metabolism, converting food into usable fuel. When B12 levels are low, fatigue and brain fog often follow. Consider supplementation via a natural source if your energy needs additional support.
Magnesium for Energy and Relaxation
Magnesium supports both energy production and sleep quality. Include magnesium-rich foods like almonds, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate in your diet. A magnesium spray before bed can provide additional benefits.
Support Iron Levels Naturally
Iron is vital for women, particularly during menstruation. While grass-fed red meat offers highly absorbable heme iron, organ meats are emerging as a modern wellness solution backed by traditional wisdom. These nutrient powerhouses are rich in not just iron, but also vitamin A and B12. For those seeking an accessible way to incorporate these benefits, freeze-dried supplements like Cell Squared’s Organic Beef Liver & Spleen Capsules offer a convenient alternative to cooking organ meats.
2. Exercise
As mentioned earlier, women are more likely to develop osteoporosis so it’s important to build and maintain muscle and bone strength. According to Healthy Bones Australia, both resistance training (e.g. training with weights that progress in intensity over time), and weight-bearing impact loading exercise done on your feet (e.g. skipping, dancing, tennis, stair walking) specifically support bone health. There’s a common misconception that you’ll get “too muscular” or “bulky” from strength training – but fear not (if that concerns you)!
Compared to men, our hormones and physiology simply don’t let us “bulk up” nearly as easily and, instead, you might find that strength training leads to a leaner, toned physique due to the boost it gives to your metabolism.
Alongside muscle and bone-strengthening activities, you should also commit to aerobic exercise ideally 30 minutes a day and at least 5 times a week. This can be as simple as a brisk walk, skipping rope or going for a swim – find something that gets your heart rate going and that you enjoy!
As for maintaining good musculoskeletal health (which enables you to stay mobile, stable on your feet, and free from joint pain, cramping and other muscular issues), incorporate flexibility/mobility workouts like yoga, Pilates, tai chi or even basic stretches daily.
3. Sleep
Women are 40% more likely to have difficulty falling or staying asleep on a regular basis. This can be due to things like hormonal changes, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and mental health issues – touching on this last point: women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men, with depression being strongly associated with insomnia. Good quality sleep can positively impact your weight, emotional wellbeing, blood pressure, diabetes risk, mental and physical performance, and more. What’s more, Dr Maiken Nedergaard, professor of neurology, and colleagues at the University of Rochester recently discovered something called the “glymphatic system” where the brain clears away certain toxins linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders while we sleep.
Sleep isn’t just about giving your brain a “rest” from the day. It repairs and detoxes all while priming your brain for effective learning, remembering and creating! To get better sleep, below are some simple evidence-backed tips:
- Avoid consuming alcohol and having too much caffeine (and no caffeine after 3pm!)
- Get natural light exposure during the day (especially first thing in the morning) and have a regular sleep and wake time.
- Optimise your sleep environment by minimising external noise and light, keeping it at a comfortable temperature and investing in a good mattress and pillow.
And please don’t skip straight to prescription drugs. Nedergaard’s research found that the commonly prescribed sleep aid zolpidem can suppress the glympathic system, potentially leading to detrimental effects on the brain.
Who to Reach Out to
- A GP for your annual checkups
- A gynaecologist for reproductive health concerns and screenings
- A mental health professional or therapist for your emotional wellbeing
- A personal trainer or fitness instructor if you need a tailored workout or to build confidence
- A nutritionist or nutrition coach if you need help with your diet
- A dentist for your bi-annual exam
And remember, it’s ok to shop around! Find someone who is aligned with your values and makes you feel comfortable, heard and cared for.
Here’s to women’s health!
Read more of our Health & Wellness articles here.