Ask Amber: Am I a Homewrecker if I Tell Him How I Feel?

July 31, 2024


Dear Amber

I’ve been working closely with one of my co-workers for a couple of months now and I’ve recently realised I’ve fallen for him. We clicked almost instantly and became really good friends, but we also work together really well on a professional level as well.

Naturally, we have been spending a lot of time together in the office and sometimes we have to work on projects outside of work hours. Consequently, I soon realised I was developing a light-hearted crush on him. However, it was his response to the things I would say and his subtle advances that made me realise that my crush had developed into full-blown feelings for him. While nothing romantic has happened between us, I catch small hints that he might have feelings for me too.

Here’s where it gets complicated: he’s in a long-term relationship. I know this doesn’t make him sound like a good person, because if he is in a relationship, he shouldn’t be flirting with me, but I can’t help but think maybe his relationship is not working out for him. Maybe, if I tell him how I feel we could have a chance at being together. This is horrible I know. I sound like a homewrecker. Don’t worry I am fully aware and feel a lot of empathy for his girlfriend.

Do I tell him how I feel, knowing there’s a good chance this may ruin our friendship and/or his relationship? Keeping this bottled up is eating me alive, but I also don’t want to disrupt his relationship or cause any drama. What should I do? Am I a homewrecker?


Hey there reader,

When I read your dilemma, the first thing that popped into my head was “Wow, haven’t we all been there at one point?”. This feels like such a universal experience to have a crush on someone that you work closely with. I want you to know you are definitely not alone in feeling this way, and I think you’d be surprised just how common the ‘am I a homewrecker’ rhetoric is.

There are a lot of reasons we might start to fall for someone that we work with. Sometimes it’s the idea of the forbidden love that gets us, or it might be the temptation of dating someone who we always see as put together and in control (because we see them when they are in work mode). We can often have similar interests or ideas to people who pick similar career paths to us, or, it can also just be because we spend a significant amount of time with a person and get to know them. Every. Single. Day. While workplace crushes are a normal experience, they can be overwhelming and confusing, especially when complicated by the fact that there is a partner involved. If things don’t work out how you had hoped, the office can quickly become a very awkward place to be.

While no one can tell you what the right decision is, there are a few things I’d encourage you to reflect on to help steer you in the direction that feels best for you.

  1. What is it about this person that you actually like? What I mean by that is, I think it’s important to reflect on whether this crush is for genuine reasons or whether we are caught up in the workplace romance whirlwind. Only you know the answer to that.
  2. What are your values? I know, I know. I talk about values all the time. For a good reason though. They are so important in making sure we are making choices that we can be proud of and okay with when we look back on our lives. There is so much in this world we can’t control, but we can control if we make decisions aligned with our values or not. Does telling him how you feel align with the kind of person you want to be, or not?
  3. What can this practically look like? I want you to play out the scenario in your head, realistically. What does it honestly look like for the two of you to be together? What would it look like if you did get together and then broke up? What if he doesn’t reciprocate your feelings? Have a think about these scenarios and if you can be okay with the potential outcomes.

As always, dear reader, I cannot make this decision for you. Reflect on those few ideas above, talk to close friends, and see what feels most aligned with who you truly are as a person. I wish you all the best and hope you get the outcome you desire.

Learn more about office relationships here.

Read more of Amber’s advice here.

Picture of Amber Sargeant

Amber Sargeant

Meet Amber Sargeant, The Modern Muse’s resident psychologist, however, you might know her better as The Anxious Psych on TikTok or from her clinic The Sunshine Club Psychology. With a Masters of Professional Psychology, and a Masters of Psychology Practice (Clinical) under her belt, Amber works with all different kinds of presentations from anxiety and depression to personality disorders, ADHD, and everything in between. Her TikTok forms a community hub for accessible information about mental health and psychology in a way that is more approachable and understandable to the average person.

Amber is also someone who also struggles with Anxiety and aims to highlight that while we each have our own experience with difficult emotions and situations, we can learn to manage effectively and to make sure we are still able to build the life we want. Amber is such a warm and passionate clinician and we are so lucky to have her on our team. We can’t wait for her to help our readers “find their sunshine”.