We had the pleasure of sitting down with Holly, the owner of STMNA, a plant-based supplement company that has been scientifically proven to optimise your daily health and prolong your healthspan. Here’s what she had to say.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Holly, the owner of STMNA, a plant-based supplement company that has been scientifically proven to optimise your daily health and prolong your healthspan. Here’s what she had to say.

Q: Who are you? Tell us about yourself!

A: My name is Holly Williamson, and I am an expert in Biochemistry. I studied at the Australian National University and completed first-class honours in molecular biochemistry. Whilst studying, I found out that most pharmaceutical companies synthetically make medications derived from nature so that they can patent them and make money! I was intrigued by this and thus I began to delve deeper into natural remedies to aid the recovery of certain problems/illnesses.

However, it wasn’t until I became unwell myself that I began to consider herbal supplements as my doctor had prescribed me several strong medications to combat my stress, anxiety, and poor gut health. I knew from experience these would only mask the symptoms and not treat the root cause. I wanted to find a more natural remedy and came across bioactive compounds from plants. After taking my own formulation for three months, all of my symptoms disappeared. And thus, our Healthspan supplements from STMNA bioactives were born.

Q: What made you want to start a herbal supplement business?

A: The main drive for starting my business was that I experienced so much success when personally taking the plant extracts and I knew I had to share this with the world. I researched the effects of plant-active ingredients and was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of scientific evidence on this topic but felt there was not enough light shed on its benefits. I then made it my mission to communicate and share my knowledge to heal the root causes of a lot of chronic health issues. To be certain, I trialled my formula on 70 individuals for three months and the results were outstanding. I had designed a super-powered supplement that helps over 30 different problems including gut health, anxiety, skin, joint pain, energy, sleep and more!

Q: What services do you offer?

A: We are currently offering a subscription service for our customers and the reason we do so is because our Healthspan supplements take a minimum of three months to fully show their benefits as your body needs time to heal. All subscriptions will give customers access to a reusable glass jar to store their supplements in and a monthly refill pouch that is delivered to their door. However, our deluxe subscription is the best (and cheapest!) option which also gives you access to exclusive and personalised professional health advice. Customers can also book a call with me at any time so we can chat about health concerns, and I can provide holistic tips to improve problem areas.

Q: What do you love most about your job?

A: I really enjoy hearing stories from customers about how my carefully crafted supplements have changed their lives. I have customers whose endometriosis symptoms have completely disappeared, chronic pain of 20 years has been relieved and even food sensitivities have been healed. I have heard so many other success stories, so it is promising to know it’s working. As I said before, these supplements can help over 30 different problems and therefore it really has the capacity to change your life. All you need to do is take two tablets a day! It is such a simple solution that can have such a drastic effect on your health and well-being.

Q: Describe a day in the life of Holly!

A: Well, I just moved to Melbourne, so I am still finding my feet here! I am focusing on prioritising a work-life balance and working from home can get lonely, so I make sure to really look after my mental health.

I first start off with warm lemon water and practice being present. No phones, just focusing on myself and my surroundings. I then have a protein-rich breakfast and of course, take my two Healthspan capsules.  Then it’s coffee and work time, usually at 9:30 a.m. Work consists of meetings with developers, marketing agencies and retailers who want to stock our miracle supplement. I then take a lunch break and if the weather is nice, I will go for a walk.

My afternoon consists of more work, packing and shipping orders and subscriptions and then I will attend a pilates or breath work class which I absolutely love for my health and wellbeing. I will then cook up a storm and follow my strict night-time routine of no screens to help me wind down for the day.

Q: What sets you apart from other supplement businesses?

A: Our Healthspan formulation is so multi-functional and there aren’t many plant-derived, natural and evidence-based supplements that can confidently help over 30 different problems. Our capsules are made up of six potent bioactive compounds extracted from plants which when mixed work in synergy with one another, meaning that they are more powerful when combined. This formula is also non-GMO, vegan, gluten, filler and sweetener-free, allowing your body to absorb the bioactives more easily meaning that you get the full health benefits of the supplement.

I think it is also really important to mention that we value sustainability, unlike other vitamin/ supplement companies, which is why we offer reusable glass bottles for customers’ first orders and recyclable refill pouches for their subsequent orders.

Q: How do you define success?

A: I never started a business to be successful. That was never my drive. I started my business because I truly wanted to help people improve their health and I found a successful way to do that. So, for me, success is defined as getting my Healthspan supplements out into the world so that they can help people, as well as educating society about holistic health, and how to distinguish between high-quality and poor supplements.

Q: What is next for STMNA Bioactives?

A: I can’t give away too much, but I can tell you that there is another formula in the works that is more specific towards a common problem area! We are also aiming to build a community and offer holistic tips for all areas of health and wellbeing including nutrition, recipes, exercises and more. We are also expanding our brand by collaborating with health professionals and all this content will soon be available on an app! We are so excited for STMNA Bioactives to take over the health and wellbeing industry and we can’t wait to share this journey with you!

It was such a pleasure to sit down and talk to Holly about her business. When talking to her, it was very evident that Holly has put her heart and soul into creating such a game-changing supplement. Here at the Modern Muse Magazine, we highly value female-owned businesses which is why it is such an honour to work with a talented and kind person like Holly. Increase your daily and long-term health whilst supporting a female-led business below and use the code SPRING30 for a discount.

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