Many people are well aware of the numerous health risks and dangers that come with smoking tobacco products and, to a lesser extent, nicotine vapes. Yet, it continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable death and disease around the world. The millions who have managed to successfully quit vaping or smoking will agree it is arguably one of the most challenging habits to break, thanks to the highly addictive, stimulant chemical nicotine that is found in all tobacco products and most vape liquids.
But with the right game plan, you can permanently break free of this dependency. Whether you choose to dive in head first with a cold turkey approach or opt to learn how to cut down smoking gradually until you reach your official ‘quit day’, kicking your smoking or vaping habit once and for all is one of the best decisions you can make for your health and general well-being.
A Place to Start
The first step you need to take when quitting smoking or vaping is choosing your ‘quit day’. Choose a date in the coming two weeks that will signify the end of your using all tobacco and vape products, and use the days leading up to this date to prepare for the transition.
During the lead-up period, you need to decide your method for quitting as well as the tools you will use to help you stay on track and manage debilitating cravings and withdrawal symptoms. There are three common approaches people take to quit smoking. You can choose one or use a combination of them to find the best fit for you.
Quitting cold turkey means you stop all smoking and vaping products at once on your chosen quit day. This option works well for people who don’t want to extend the quitting process longer than necessary. Alternatively, you can cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke and how often you smoke your vape throughout the day until you stop completely. This gradual process is done in the days leading up to your final day of smoking, where you cut out all products entirely.
Finally, you can smoke only part of a cigarette, reducing the amount of puffs you take each time until you stop altogether. Count how many puffs it usually takes you to finish a cigarette and reduce the number every two days until you stop completely on your quit day.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs)
Quitting smoking cold turkey is a popular choice for many people who want to give up the habit. However, the harsh reality is that only around 6% of these attempts are successful, as many people often dramatically underestimate the power of nicotine dependency.
NRTs can work to significantly lower unpleasant cravings and withdrawal symptoms you experience, which may make your attempt to quit more difficult. They are designed to slowly wean your body off of tobacco products by supplying you with a controlled dose of nicotine that is free of the other dangerous toxins and chemicals found in tobacco.
Five types of NRTs are used, including chewing gum, lozenges, skin patches, inhalers and nasal spray (both of which require a prescription). If you have decided to pursue NRTs, discuss the required dosage with your GP, who can guide you through the process of quitting tobacco and, eventually, nicotine.
Stress Management Techniques
Many people tend to turn to tobacco products to manage feelings of stress, anxiety, depression and distress. Once you choose to quit, you can no longer use this method to soothe negative emotions and poor mental health.
Instead, you need to find alternative ways that are sustainable, healthy, and manageable to address these negative emotions and mental states when they appear. Reach out to trusted friends, family and support groups who don’t smoke to gain a better idea of alternative methods to manage stress.
Non-Nicotine Medication
The federal health agency has approved two non-nicotine-containing drugs to help people stop smoking: bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix). It is imperative to speak to your healthcare provider should you want to start either of these medications, as they do require a prescription.
Bupropion works with chemicals in the brain that impact nicotine cravings, working to reduce withdrawal symptoms and unpleasant cravings. It is taken in tablet form for 12 weeks, but if you manage to successfully quit smoking in that time, it can be used for a further 3-6 months to mitigate the risk of relapse.
Varenicline interferes with nicotine receptors in the brain, reducing the pleasure that is typically experienced when using nicotine products and lowering the effects of withdrawal symptoms. Similar to bupropion, it can be used for 12 weeks and a further 3 months to reduce the chances of relapse.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
The emotional and physical dependence you have on smoking will make it incredibly difficult to stay away from nicotine once you choose to quit. To remain on the right track, you need to address this dependence using counselling services, support groups or self-help materials. Cognitive behaviour therapy is a standard tool used to understand and work through this dependence.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a structured, goal-orientated talk therapy. Mental health professionals can use this technique to treat and manage a plethora of mental health conditions and emotional concerns, including people dealing with depression, anxiety, OCD, phobias, PTSD, and substance use disorders like smoking and alcoholism. Studies show that combining medication with behavioural support can increase the chances of long-term success by up to 25%.
Alternative Therapies
While they may not be the first recommended approach method, some people have found success using alternative therapies when attempting to quit smoking, including hypnosis, acupuncture, smoking deterrents, magnet therapy and cold laser therapy.
However, there is no strong evidence currently available to suggest that these approaches will improve your rate of success when trying to break a smoking habit. In some rare instances, these methods have led to a person smoking more.
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