Staying Healthy While Travelling? Yes! It’s Possible.

May 31, 2024
Keep your inner glow matching your outer tan all holiday long.

Travelling can be exhilarating. The promise of new adventures, exotic locales, and exciting foods has us getting healthy in anticipation. We touch up our highlights and get our nails did. We become obsessed with eating right and upping our days at the gym. We know stamina is needed to walk aimlessly through cobblestone streets while also squeezing into the new swimmers we bought to lie on the rocks in Capri.

We can be almost militant in our pre-travel prep, but the promise of our healthiest best selves seems to get thrown out the window with jet lag, questionable street food, copious midday mimosas and sites packed with germy tourists.

Staying healthy while travelling can be a challenge, but with a few savvy tips and tricks you can maintain your physical and mental health on the go, ensuring that your globetrotting escapades leave you feeling rejuvenated, not run-down.

Maintain Your Sleep Health

Ah, sleep. That elusive creature that seems to evade us when we need it most—like during a 14-hour flight or at a noisy hostel. With a little planning you can reclaim your beauty rest.

The key is to invest in some travel essentials to help you get some comfortable shuteye. A cosy travel pillow, a lightweight eye mask, and a pair of noise-cancelling headphones can work wonders in transforming even the most uncomfortable aeroplane seat into a makeshift sleep sanctuary (and block out the baby screaming in aisle 6).

Make sure you also don’t underestimate the importance of establishing a bedtime routine. Whether it’s a soothing cup of herbal tea, a few minutes of meditation, or a relaxing bedtime yoga sequence, creating a familiar ritual can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. If you need to take a midday nap, don’t resist the urge – just make sure you’re not snoozing for longer than 20 minutes as this can leave you feeling groggy.

Nourish Your Body

One of the greatest joys of travel is sampling the local cuisine. But while indulging in street food and exotic delicacies can be a delicious adventure, it’s important to nourish your body with wholesome, nutritious foods as well.

Erin Murnane, a dietitian, nutritionist and founder of Balance and Bite, recommends to “start your day with a filling breakfast including protein, carbs, and fats to boost your energy. This helps avoid the mid-morning slump that leads to cravings for high-GI foods like cakes and biscuits. While it’s perfectly fine to enjoy high-GI treats, it’s important not to rely on them as your main source of energy. Opt for lower-GI, higher-protein options to keep you energised for exploring all day without needing a mid-afternoon nap.”

And don’t forget to stay hydrated! Travelling can be dehydrating, especially if you’re spending long hours in transit or exploring hot, sunny destinations. Keep a reusable water bottle on hand and make a conscious effort to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

Of course, indulging in the occasional treat is all part of the fun of travelling. Whether it’s a decadent dessert or a piping hot plate of street food, don’t be afraid to indulge your taste buds, but aim for balance and moderation to keep your body feeling its best.

Embrace Hygiene

Let’s face it—maintaining proper hygiene while travelling isn’t always easy. From grungy hostel bathrooms to questionable water sources, staying clean and germ-free can be a constant battle.

Invest in travel-sized versions of your favourite toiletries to save space in your luggage and ensure you always have the essentials on hand. And don’t forget the power of multipurpose products—a gentle facial cleanser can double as a body wash in a pinch, while a travel-sized pack of wet wipes are a lifesaver for quick clean-ups on the go. Keep a travel-sized bottle of hand sanitiser in your bag and use it liberally, especially before meals or after touching surfaces in high-traffic areas.

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Remember to Move

Even if you have the most active of holidays, there is no avoiding the actual ‘travelling’ part. Long haul flights, sitting for hours in the minibus on the way to your hotel and constant tour buses to get to and from local attractions can take a toll on your body.

Missy Robinson, a speaker, author and coach within the wellness space adds “Be mindful of your physical limitations and take regular breaks to stretch and move your body, especially during long flights or car rides. Planning for these rests the night before or first thing in the morning can help you prioritise wellbeing and avoid burnout.”

With these tips and tricks in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the joys of travel while staying healthy in body and mind, coming back refreshed and ready to get stuck back into the day-to-day, as much as you might wish you were still soaking up the sun in Crete.

Learn more about staying healthy while travelling below.

Read more of our Health and Wellness articles here.

Picture of Genevieve McMullen

Genevieve McMullen

Meet Genevieve, a writer for Modern Muse Magazine. Genevieve has been working in the marketing industry for over 10 years, helping brands tell stories through the written word. Her journey as a writer is fuelled by weaving stories that inspire and connect audiences through humour and relatability. When not typing rapidly on the keyboard, Genevieve can be found pottering in the garden, reading (yet another) crime fiction book or devouring the latest cult documentary.

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