July 2024

My Asian Neighbour

This restaurant, on the outskirts of Preston, would be one that you would probably drive past without so much of a glance or second thought. However, this quaint establishment packs a punch, so much so, that there are constant lines at the door to score a table. So, what's so good about it?

This restaurant, on the outskirts of Preston, would be one that you would probably drive past without so much of a glance or second thought. However, this quaint establishment packs a punch, so much so, that there are constant lines at the door to score a table. So, what’s so good about it? This Indonesian restaurant is owned by Lily who has been a chef for more than ten years and dishes up meals from the Manado region of Indonesia. These dishes are full of flavour and are so fresh, using locally sourced ingredients straight from Preston Market. Lily pays homage to her family with her take on her father’s favourite dish, twice-cooked spicy pork belly marinated in garlic, ginger, chilli and lots of herbs and spices. Some other noteworthy dishes and our personal favourites include the pork ribs with hot sambal and the slow-cooked beef rendang.

Lily is also a dog lover and has created a dog-friendly beer garden out the back of her restaurant. When talking to Lily, she was so kind and compassionate. She even offered our dog a seat, water and snacks! What is also amazing about Lily is that she uses her earnings to support not only her family but 70 elderly people in her village back in Indonesia, ensuring they are fed and have access to medical care. We will never stop raving about this restaurant. Run don’t walk!

Nasi goreng, roti, beef rendang and pork ribs

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