July 2024

Steavenson Falls

Tucked away in the heart of Marysville, Victoria lies a natural wonder that attracts nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. With its impressive cascades, lush surroundings, and accessible trails, Steavenson Falls stands as a must-visit destination for those looking for a weekend activity full of nature and adventure.

How to Get There

Steavenson Falls is situated approximately 90 minutes northeast of Melbourne. The scenic drive to Marysville is an experience in itself, offering glimpses of Victoria’s stunning countryside. Simply follow Maroondah Highway until you reach the town of Marysville.

Once in Marysville, you’ll find well-marked signs guiding you to Steavenson Falls. The car park at the base of the falls is easily accessible, making it a convenient starting point for your adventure.

The Walk

The trail leading to the falls is a 700-metre stroll through a pristine, cool temperate rainforest. This walk is accessible to visitors of all ages and fitness levels, so it’s the perfect outing for families, nature enthusiasts, and solo travellers.

As you walk along the well-maintained path, the rainforest envelops you with towering mountain ash trees, ancient tree ferns, and a lush understorey. Once you are near the viewing platform, the roar of cascading water grows louder, and Steavenson Falls will soon come into view. These falls are truly a sight to behold, with water tumbling dramatically over a series of five distinct drops. The highest of these plunges from a height of approximately 84 meters, making it one of the tallest waterfalls in Victoria.

What makes Steavenson Falls even more special is the way it transforms with the seasons. In the summer, the falls glisten under the sun, while in the winter, they can be shrouded in a mist, creating a different, equally mesmerising experience.

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