July 2024

The Spoonie Society

Listen up all my chronic pain girlies because I have a product for you! Have you ever been in pain but still needed to get up, go to work and continue to live life? Well, The Spoonie Society has the solution to pain management.

Listen up all my chronic pain girlies because I have a product for you! Have you ever been in pain but still needed to get up, go to work and continue to live life? What about times when you have plastered heat patches all over your body, in the hope that it will help the pain you’re in, only for the heat to last a couple of hours before you must peel them off and start again?

The Spoonie Society, a small business founded by Dominique and Helene are familiar with the difficulties of having chronic pain as they have been battling Endometriosis since 2018. They subsequently designed a wearable heat pack which has become a statement piece for over 100,000 people in their endeavour to tackle pain management. These heat packs are handmade in Victoria with Australian-grown Lupins, can be used both hot and cold, are fragrance-free and don’t sweat when heated, making this hands-free heat pack one of a kind.  They come in a variety of patterns and sizes and $1 from each purchase is donated to a different charity each month.

As someone who also suffers from Endometriosis and Scoliosis, I know a thing or two about chronic pain and this has revolutionised my pain management and the way I get through each day.  You can shop The Spoonie Societies range here

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