

My Dysfunctional Family Has Made Me Hate Christmas

I’m reaching out because Christmas is around the corner and I am therefore once again grappling with a situation that becomes increasingly challenging with each passing holiday season. Christmas, a time that’s supposed to be filled with joy and warmth, has become my personal nightmare.

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Should I break up with my friend?

I’m facing the challenging decision of ending a long-term friendship because, quite frankly, my friend has become a terrible friend to me. I’m grappling with how to approach this situation and I am really in need of some advice.

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Help: I feel like I need validation from other men

When I go out, I always look at guys in the hope that they will talk to me. It’s like I need their validation that I’m pretty or something. But it’s not like my partner doesn’t shower me with love and affection because he does, and I do feel loved by him. Why do I do this?

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